
Unter Verdacht/ under suspicion

First solo show at singisenforum a room for contempary art situated in the habsburger convent in muri ag.

My starting point was the figure 3. An important number in christian religion but also in fairy tales. The three wishes of the fairy as a example. Finally i have chosen the cycle of birth, death an rebirth, the most promising cycle in christian mythology, in my personal opinion. For each chapter, i was developing a own work which was supposed to stand also as an independent piece.


The Birth

The birth is composed of a perspectively reduced box made out of norwegian aleppo pine wood, which is standing on frame of pressed tubes. On the front is a diving mask which allows the recipient to take a look inside.
The box itself, references to the Zograscope, which was invented in the Georgian era and marked the discovery of the central perspective. Further on, the box references also the early cinema, where it was a very privat moment.Inside the box is a screen installed. The short movie shows a not determinate live form, which seems to be moved forward by the breath, which is heard on the soundtrack. The form references an article in "Die Zeit"* with the title "Lego des Lebens" and was about synthetic biology. Following the thesis, that in nature every thing can be reduced to it's own genetical code, i was asking me, what the equivalent in art would be ? I cam up with zoology of geometrical forms. In this short movie i was playing with the cube. Another reference is the short stage work Breath(play) by Samuel Beckett, who's playing an very important role in most of my film works.


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The Death

The death is definitely the fare most personal piece. It is composed out of hundreds of books and a cube of pressed steel placed on a wooden base. The books are references to certain life periods and themes, so the can be read as chapters of the human existence. On top of them lies a solid piece of metal which contains a lot of personal memories of my stay in rotterdam. It was actually the last thing i made before i had to leave. It contains the first work i made in Rotterdam, a cinema on a hand barrow, the laptop a was using that time, a bicycle saddle and few very personal memories which i gonna keep as my secret.

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The Rebirth

The Rebirth is composed out of 14 3d cardboard Letters which are forming the german word Gottesteilchen, the popular term for the higgs boson. Inside the half circle stands in reflecting letters the sentence "rock my religion". With a marker somebody has written baby right beside. The sentence rock my religion is a references to Dan Graham's documentary with the same title. A documentary in which he's asking the question, if there can be found religious patterns in rock music. As example in what way a concert equate a church service. I see it as annotation of my personal belief, that nobody should be choked because of his own believe. Further it also stands for my personal persuasion, that every human being origin from the same "God" and hasis very own human needs as everyone else. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

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some impressions from the opening. Photos by Jürg Küng




Making of

some impressions from the making of

cut out louisletters packedguckkastencrush_01crush_01crush_01